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Erica Goode
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Home Alone (Mixing Patterns)


The Santa Fe Science-Writing Workshop provides this biography of Goode, who is best known as a behavioral science writer for the New York Times.


This 2008 article profiles Bradley professor Christopher Ryback's, who researches and teaches the benefits of cultural diversity.

Despite its many benefits, does diversity also "hurt civic life?" Researcher Robert Putnam's findings suggest that the more diverse a community, the less its members trust each other or work together for the greater good. Read this Boston Globe article about the study; what do you make of it, and how do the questions raised here compare to Goode's in "Home Alone"?

This video highlights the University of Iowa's 2008 Cultural Diversity Festival. How does your college celebrate cultural diversity?


NewsCred offers a frequently updated list of (and link to) articles by Erica Goode.

In this article for the International Herald Tribune, Goode gives media attention to Iraqi citizens' protest that Parliament reinstate a law ensuring political minorities representation in government.

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