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Michele Ingrassia
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The Body of the Beholder


This 2006 USA Today article focuses on studies that suggest white and non-white women are equally unhappy with their bodies. How do these conclusions contrast with those reported in Ingrassia's article?

Sloane Crosley writes from personal experience about body image and race in the Village Voice essay "Butt Seriously."

In her BNet essay "Embracing 'Black is Beautiful,'" Kendra Mitchell argues that "African Americans have long had a seriously vexed relationship with the very notion of beauty."


This writer focuses on a study that discovered why white girls dislike their bodies, but black girls are proud of theirs.

Ingrassia has written pieces on fashion and design for the Los Angeles Times; this page links to a dozen of her articles.

Here is an extensive index of Ingrassia's articles on news, entertainment, and lifestyle for the New York Daily News.

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