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Harry Crews
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Why I Live Where I Live


As mentioned in "Why I Live Where I Live," Harry Crews was born in Georgia in 1935 but has lived most of his life in Florida; in 2002, he was inducted into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame. Click here to read his biography entry on the Georgia Writers website.

Watch Dennis Miller's 1992 interview with Crews, who was promoting what was then his most recent novel, Scar Lover.


Joan Didion's famous essay "Goodbye to All That" explores why she no longer lives in New York City. How do you feel about where you grew up, or where you live now? What specific causes make you to want to stay—or leave?


Harry Crews wrote novels, short stories, essays, plays, and screenplays. Visit A Large and Startling Figure, the writer's official website, for an extensive annotated bibliography categorized by genre.

You can read an excerpt from Crews' novel Celebration on Simon & Schuster-Australia's website. How is this piece similar, stylistically, to the essay from your text, "Why I Live Where I Live"?

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