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Steve Olson
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Who's Your Daddy? (Mixing Patterns)


Visit Steve Olson's official website for a brief overview of the writer's life and publications.

The University of Arizona's Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology offers this bio of Olson, who was a guest speaker at the school's "Careers in Biology" event.


Watch this 2008 MSNBC special report, "The Truth about DNA: Genealogy for Sale" to learn what you can (and should probably not) expect to learn about your family origins from a DNA test.

This excerpt from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy provides an introduction to locating relatives through a specific family association (based on a family name).

Genetic testing can provide people with answers about their ancestry, genetic dispositions toward certain illnesses, and more – but such answers, and the choices they present, can be ambiguous. Listen to this NPR segment to hear how one family struggled to make difficult health decisions after receiving BRCA test results.


On Olson's official website, click on the side bar to read about the author's books and find lists of his popular articles, scientific articles, and recent writings; on the home page, see his photograph.

Five years before writing "Who's Your Daddy," Olson contributed this essay—which explores the mathematical study of genealogy and the "interconnectedness of the human family"—to the Atlantic Monthly.

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