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Selection 02: Learning to Keep Your Cool during Tests
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Which would be a good alternative title for this selection?
A)How to Overcome Test Anxiety
B)The Physical Side of Anxiety
C)How to Get Better Grades
D)Why Students Are Concerned about Grades
Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the selection?
A)Most students suffer from test anxiety.
B)Test anxiety can be controlled.
C)Being relaxed is essential to doing well on exams.
D)All students should attend stress-management workshops.
If you start to panic during a test, you should
A)leave the room briefly.
B)drink a cup of coffee.
C)stretch and then relax your arms and legs.
D)skip the essay questions.
The first thing to do when you receive the exam is to
A)answer the questions you are sure of.
B)underline the important instructions.
C)make an outline of what you know.
D)begin timing yourself.
Anxiety can cause a well-prepared student to perform poorly on a test.
From the selection we can conclude that
A)textbooks make better study guides than class notes do.
B)anxiety is learned behavior that can be unlearned.
C)students who do poorly in tests may need eyeglasses.
D)good students are completely calm before tests.
Which of the following tips is not mentioned in the article?
A)Do easy questions first.
B)Organize your thoughts before starting to write an essay answer.
C)Ask the instructor to explain unclear directions.
D)Budget your time for each part of the test.
The author implies that
A)you should get to the exam room at the last minute in order to avoid panicky students.
B)you should never guess on an exam.
C)caffeine can increase anxiety.
D)if you have kept up with the work, there's no need to study for the test.

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