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Selection 10: What You Need to Know to Succeed at Math
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Which of the following would be a good alternative title for this selection?
A)Math: A Tough Subject
B)Keys to Doing Well in College Math
C)High School Math versus College Math
D)Why So Many Students Fail Math
Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the selection?
A)College math instructors have higher expectations for their students than high school instructors do.
B)It is helpful to think of math as a foreign language.
C)Math is one subject that is not reinforced in daily life as subjects like English or social studies are.
D)Successful math students understand that math must be approached differently from other subjects.
According to the author, which of the following is not a way that math is different from other school subjects?
A)Math is rarely useful in everyday life.
B)Math must be learned in a sequential pattern.
C)Math is forgotten if it is not practiced regularly.
D)Math courses require that you not only understand what you've learned but apply it as well.
Compared with high school math teachers, college math instructors
A)are more likely to warn students who are in danger of failing the course.
B)expect students to take more responsibility for their own success.
C)offer more office hours and other opportunities to meet with students.
D)prefer teaching courses in the summer, rather than in the spring or fall.
Students often do poorly on their first major math tests because it is one of the most difficult tests of the semester.
The author compares learning math to
A)anchoring a news program.
B)running for governor.
C)building a house.
D)doing extra credit work in English class.
If possible, you should take math classes during a six-week summer session.
From the selection you can conclude that
A)part-time instructors don't know math well enough to help students.
B)many students fail in math because they approach it like other courses.
C)English courses are taught through a sequential learning pattern.
D)learning a foreign language helps one learn math more quickly.

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