1 |  |  Describe the areas of technical design in which data visualization is important. How does data visualization differ from traditional technical/engineering graphics?
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2 |  |  Give examples of nominal, ordinal, and scalar variables. Are these variables qualitative or quantitative?
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3 |  |  Give examples of interval, ratio, and absolute quantitative scales.
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4 |  |  Give examples of independent and dependent variables. Can a dependent variable sometimes be a independent variable, and vice versa?
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5 |  |  How many independent variables can be depicted in a scatter plot? What are some of the difficulties true for all types of scatter plots? Suggest alternatives for overcoming these limitations.
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6 |  |  Give examples of three different visualizations in which a line mark can be used. What are some of the different ways of coding multiple independent variables in a line graph?
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7 |  |  Give examples of at least three different types of bar graphs. Can the independent variable be depicted on both the vertical and horizontal axes? What are two ways multiple independent variables can be depicted in a bar graph?
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8 |  |  Name four different rendering techniques used with surface plots. Describe the pro's and con's of each method. What is a 2-D alternative to the surface plot?
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9 |  |  What is the difference between a hierarchical tree and a flow chart?
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10 |  |  Describe the rendering pipeline. What are the major stages?
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11 |  |  What are the major components of the view volume? How are the clipping planes used?
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12 |  |  Name four different types of light sources. Describe each of their attributes and compare them to light sources found in the real world.
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13 |  |  Define illumination. How is the amount of illumination reflecting from a surface calculated?
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14 |  |  What is the difference between diffuse and specular reflection? Is the same information needed for modeling both of them?
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15 |  |  Name three different shading techniques. Compare them and describe how they differ from each other. Identify types of real world materials and objects which the shader is suitable for rendering.
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16 |  |  What is the difference between hue and saturation? If two colors only differed in saturation, would they have different HSV values. If so, which values would be different? Would they different RGB values? If so, which values would be different?
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17 |  |  What is the difference between saturation and value? Do colors lighten in value as they become less saturated?
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18 |  |  What HSV values are changed by a shader simulating a white light? What if the light is a color other than white?
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19 |  |  What are the advantages of laying out a document so the graphics (figures) are on separate pages in an appendix? The disadvantages?
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20 |  |  When would animation be useful in depicting an assembly? Name two basic techniques which can be used when animating an assembly.
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21 |  |  How is hypermedia implemented on the World Wide Web?
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