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Questions for Review
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What is a fundamental difference between 2-D and 3-D CAD systems? Is there any overlap between the two types of CAD systems?
What are some of the different types of computer hardware platforms used for running CAD software? During what periods in history were each of these platforms in common usage?
What is the minimum information needed to define a true wireframe model? Is there enough information in a wireframe model to determine which edges are hidden?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three types of curves used to make surface patches?
Can you depict a hole in an object using a primitive-based solid modeler? What other types of solid modelers could be used?
Define the three types of Boolean operations and sketch examples of each one. Can you derive the same final object using different Boolean operations and/or primitives?
Describe the differences and similarities of B-rep models and CSG models; do the same for wireframe models and B-rep models.
What is "design intent?" Why does this play a role in planning the construction of a constraint-based model?
What are the basic elements of a generalized sweep? Describe the major types of generalized sweeps used in feature creation.
What are workplanes used for? What are five ways a workplane can be defined?
What is the difference between implicit and explicit constraints? Give examples of four types of implicit geometric constraints.
Give an example of a parent-child relationship. How is a feature tree used to identify parent-child relationships?
What are the two primary types of duplication methods? What input parameters are needed to define each one?
Describe the relationship of the view camera to the workplane and to the viewport.
List the rules of thumb for choosing a good viewpoint. Do all of these rules apply when you are using either parallel or perspective projection?
Will a translation operation always change the global coordinate location of all vertices on the object? What about with a rotation operation?
Draw or describe a dialog box which would create bosses in a feature-based modeler.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a virtual model over a real model when designing a product.
Name and briefly describe four different analysis techniques and give an application of each on a real-world product.
Describe the connection of CAD to computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). How does the CAD/CAM relationship alter the role of 2-D CAD documents?
What is the difference between direct and indirect data exchange standards? Are DXF and IGES direct or indirect standards?

Bertoline TGCOnline Learning Center

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