Online Learning Center
This website hosts instructor and student tools. Students will find on-line quizzing and exercises that will enhance the text material and offer a thorough review of the content.
Student Study Guide
Available online only, the new interactive student study guide provides students with a review of important concepts and key terms to assist them with exam preparation. In addition, students can test their own knowledge with multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true-false, and matching questions, as well as work an interactive crossword puzzle for each of the six sections of the text.
The Good Earth Website
Built from the original Good Earth website, these text-related modules provide enhancement and supplemental material to support Environmental Geology, 6/e. Features of the site include animations, text material, study aids, quizzing, interactive web activities, and links.
Geology PowerWeb
Included within the Online Learning Center, PowerWeb is password protected and provides access to a course-specific website developed with the help of instructors teaching the course to provide instructors and students with curriculum-based materials, updated weekly assessments, informative and timely world news, refereed web links, and much more.
For Instructors:
Online Learning Center
This website hosts instructor and student tools. The Instructor Center area is password protected and offers the complete IM/TIF, PowerPoint lecture outlines, and the list of slides and transparencies.
PowerPoint Image Bank CD-ROM
This CD contains PowerPoint presentation files that include lecture outlines and over 500 images from the text.
Instructor's Manual/Test Item File
Available online only, the interactive IM/TIF includes transparency and slide lists for easy classroom planning. Answers to the end-of-chapter questions help you quickly assess your students' homework and the Test Item File will help you prepare tests more efficiently.
Computerized Testbank CD-ROM
This easy-to-use software, featuring an electronic version of your Test Item File, allows you to generate quizzes and exams specifically tailored to your lectures.
120 35mm slides are available to enhance your classroom presentation.
170 transparencies are available to enhance your classroom presentation.
Geoscience VRL
This Visual Resource Library contains over 500 images from 7 geology and geography titles, including Environmental Geology.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.