| Office Skills: A Practical Approach, 3/e Margaret Horsfall,
Formely Homesglen TAFE Shirley Cairns,
Moreton Institute of TAFE, Mount Gravatt
The author would like to thank the following people for their help and support, without which the book would not have been written:
Dorothy Jackson, Head of Department, Administrative Studies Department, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, Victoria, for providing the opportunity and resources for a simulated work environment, in which students performed work tasks similar to the ones outlined in each chapter of this book, and which provided the stimulus for writing the book.
The reviewers of the manuscript, who provided encouragement and invaluable suggestions:
- Johanna Ryan, Swinburne Institute of TAFE; Maria Paino, North Sydney Institute of TAFE; Sylvia Baroutis, RMIT; and Marlous Mol-Clement, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE.
- The many students and teachers who have provided invaluable feedback on the practical work tasks over the past few years.
- Renn Barker, Media Officer of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Victoria, for his help in verifying material; OzEmail for granting permission to use Figures 1.1 and 8.6; Australia Post for giving kind permission to reproduce Figures 1.13 and 1.14; the Victorian WorkCover Authority for permission to use Figure 10.16. Screen shots reproduced by permission from Microsoft Corporation.
- Robert Cowart, author of How to do everything with your PC, published by Osborne-McGraw Hill. I referred to his text for some of the more advanced computer operations mentioned in this book.
Further thanks go to the editorial and production team at McGraw-Hill, Australia, particularly Jennifer Speirs and Leanne Peters-many thanks for your management skills, expertise and friendly patience.
Margaret Horsfall
B.Bus. (Office Admin), Monash University, Melbourne |