AP Biology (Mader), 11th EditionChapter 39:
Locomotion and Support SystemsLearning Outcomes39.1 Diversity of Skeletons - Describe a typical hydrostatic skeleton, and list some examples of animals that possess one.
- Discuss some advantages of having an endoskeleton versus an exoskeleton.
- Provide several examples of how mammalian skeletons are adapted to particular forms of locomotion.
39.2 The Human Skeletal System - Review the five major functions of the skeletal system.
- Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of bone.
- List the major bones that comprise the human axial and appendicular skeletons.
39.3 The Muscular System - Describe the macroscopic and microscopic structure of a muscle fiber.
- Explain the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction.
- Indicate three ways that muscle cells can generate ATP.
- Explain the specific role of acetylcholine (Ach) in stimulating a muscle fiber to contract.