In order to sharpen the analytical focus on Europe and emphasize the interactions between Europeans and other peoples around the world:
Whole sections on China, Japan, Africa and the Americas have been removed;
Chapters on the breakup of European empires have been shortened and consolidated
A new feature beginning in chapter 3, Historical Interpretations and Debates, provides AP students with concise summaries and comparisons of diverse perspectives on past cultures and events, introducing them to influential debates about key issues that show how historians develop or revise analytical themes;
There is new analysis of the political, economic, and cultural interactions within European empires and in the anticolonial movements that ultimately brought about the dissolution of imperial systems;
Revised visual components include easier-to-read maps presented in new colors, and new images and illustrations, especially in later chapters on contemporary European history;
The revised entries in the comprehensive Suggestions for Further Reading, long a valued feature of this book, provide up-to-date listings of useful web sites and titles of significant new scholarly publications. It can be found at the Online Learning Center at:
To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.