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Africa, 1914 (129.0K)

Aging Empires and New Powers, 1660 (116.0K)

Aging Empires and New Powers, 1795 (126.0K)

Anglo-German Industrial Competition, 1898 and 1913 (270.0K)

Britain Before and After the Industrial Revolution (193.0K)

Central and Eastern Europe, 1660 (144.0K)

Central and Eastern Europe, 1795 (113.0K)

Contemporary Africa (156.0K)

Crusading Activity, 1100-1259 (136.0K)

Deportation and Settlement, 1939–1944 (117.0K)

Deportation and Settlement, 1945–1950 (91.0K)

Emigration from Europe, 1850–1940 (549.0K)

England in the Seventeenth Century (88.0K)

Europe, 1526 (161.0K)

Europe, 1648 (284.0K)

Europe, 1740 (164.0K)

Europe, 1815 (307.0K)

Europe, 1871 (171.0K)

Europe, 1923 (183.0K)

Europe, 1942 (259.0K)

European Discoveries, 1450–1600 (545.0K)

European Revolutions, 1848 (137.0K)

Export of European Capital to 1914 (498.0K)

France from the Last Years of Louis XIV to the Revolution of 1789 (69.0K)

Germany and Its Borders, 1919–1990 A (75.0K)

Germany and Its Borders, 1919–1990 B (77.0K)

Germany and Its Borders, 1919–1990 C (76.0K)

Imperialism in Asia, 1840–1914 (253.0K)

Israel and Adjoining Regions A (22.0K)

Israel and Adjoining Regions B (26.0K)

Israel and Adjoining Regions C (23.0K)

Israel and Adjoining Regions D (32.0K)

Israel and Adjoining Regions E (27.0K)

Israel and Adjoining Regions F (75.0K)

Japan in the Late Tokugawa Period (98.0K)

Languages of Europe (136.0K)

Map of Europe (234.0K)

Napoleonic Europe, 1810 (282.0K)

Napoleonic Germany A (44.0K)

Napoleonic Germany B (33.0K)

Nation Building, 1859–1867 (506.0K)

Nationalities in Central and Eastern Europe (112.0K)

Northeast China and Adjoining Regions (87.0K)

Poland since the Eighteenth Century A (95.0K)

Poland since the Eighteenth Century B (102.0K)

Poland since the Eighteenth Century C (93.0K)

Poland since the Eighteenth Century D (91.0K)

Poland since the Eighteenth Century E (90.0K)

Precolonial Africa: Sites and Peoples (156.0K)

Russian Federation in 2000 (239.0K)

State Religions in Europe about 1560 (107.0K)

The Atlantic World after the Peace of Utrecht, 1713 (620.0K)

The Balkans, 1878 (53.0K)

The Balkans, 1914 (51.0K)

The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, 1699–1914 (146.0K)

The Expansion of France, 1661–1713 (86.0K)

The First World War (124.0K)

The French Republic and Its Satellites, 1798–1799 (145.0K)

The German Question, 1815–1871 (137.0K)

The Growth of Geographical Knowledge A (125.0K)

The Growth of Geographical Knowledge B (101.0K)

The Growth of Prussia, 1415–1918 A (167.0K)

The Growth of Prussia, 1415–1918 B (160.0K)

The Growth of Russia in the West A (137.0K)

The Growth of Russia in the West B (145.0K)

The Growth of Russia in the West C (147.0K)

The Growth of Russia in the West D (149.0K)

The Growth of the Austrian Monarchy, 1521–1772 (75.0K)

The Holocaust (141.0K)

The Indian Subcontinent, 2000 (62.0K)

The Low Countries, 1648 (73.0K)

The Mediterranean World about A.D. 1250 (216.0K)

The Mediterranean World about A.D. 400 (198.0K)

The Mediterranean World about A.D. 800 (206.0K)

The Modern Arab World (124.0K)

The Persian Gulf and the Middle East (133.0K)

The Second World War A (294.0K)

The Second World War B (245.0K)

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922–1991 (195.0K)

The World about 1970 (770.0K)

The World in 1763 (338.0K)

Vietnam and Its Neighbors about 1970 (75.0K)

“The British Lake,” 1918 (64.0K)

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