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Tang feels that Churchland's monist position is the most useful. With which of the following statements would the author agree?
A)Churchland's supports the philosophy of functionalism.
B)Churchland's supports the philosophy of reductive materialism.
C)Churchland's supports the philosophy of eliminative materialism.
D)Churchland's supports the philosophy of substantive materialism.
Tang feels that Churchland's monist position is the most useful. With which of the following statements would the author disagree?
A)Churchland supports the notion that we should only believe what we can observe.
B)Churchland claims that we can learn to experience our environment in a scientific way.
C)Churchland supports a view of complete scientific realism.
D)Churchland claims we can learn to directly introspect our own brain states.
Wellman, Cross, and Watson feel that a stage-developmental theory best explains theory-of-mind research findings. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)Theory of mind highlights everyday folk psychology.
B)Theory of mind research has focused on the understanding of false belief.
C)Theory of mind requires an understanding of the distinction between mind and world.
D)Theory of mind is primarily biological and hormonally based.
Wellman, Cross, and Watson feel that a stage-developmental theory best explains theory-of-mind research findings. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)The last 25 years of research have shown that earlier researchers made their tasks too easy, thus overestimating children's abilities.
B)The last 25 years of research have shown an increased focus on the processing of information, not just children's final responses.
C)The last 25 years of research have focused on domain-specific skills more so than general skills.
D)The last 25 years of research have shown the decrease in focus on conceptual change.
Sternberg feels that mindfulness belongs in the area of cognitive styles. With which of the following statements would the author disagree?
A)One of Langer's components of mindfulness is openness to novelty.
B)One of Langer's components of mindfulness is concentration on a single perspective.
C)One of Langer's components of mindfulness is alertness to distinction.
D)One of Langer's components of mindfulness is orientation to the present.
Sternberg feels that mindfulness belongs in the area of cognitive styles. With which of the following statements would the author agree?
A)Sternberg's primary purpose is to relate mindfulness to other constructs in psychological literature.
B)Sternberg's primary purpose is to create an operational definition for mindfulness.
C)Sternberg's primary purpose is to design a research program to explore mindfulness.
D)Sternberg's primary purpose is to show that mindfulness is a spiritual quality.
Cohen and Marks feel that infants stare longer at familiar situations, and that such action is often misinterpreted. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)The Wynn task involves motivating infants to move items on a stage to simulate addition and subtraction.
B)The Wynn task involves moving infants on and off a stage to simulate addition and subtraction.
C)The Wynn task involves placing infants in front of a stage to watch a sequence of adding and subtracting items.
D)The Wynn task involves placing infants in front of a video screen to watch a sequence of adding and subtracting items.
Cohen and Marks feel that infants stare longer at familiar situations, and that such action is often misinterpreted. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)One of the three major views on the development of numerical competence is the empiricist view which states that children learn by observing numerical transformations.
B)One of the three major views on the development of numerical competence is the cognitivist view which states that numerical competence is gained through rote memorization.
C)One of the three major views on the development of numerical competence is the nativist view which states that sensitivity to number is innate.
D)One of the three major views on the development of numerical competence is the constructionist view which states that the concept of number is built from sensorimotor intelligence.
Mandler feels that preverbal infants develop abstract conceptual understanding. With which of the following statements would the author disagree?
A)Perceptual understanding leads to conceptual understanding.
B)Infants are more likely to imitate actions that make sense to them.
C)Traditional theory says that infants groups things in the environment based on perceptual qualities.
D)Traditional theory best explains the transition from perceptual categories to conceptual categories.
Mandler feels that preverbal infants develop abstract conceptual understanding. With which of the following statements would the author disagree?
A)Infants prefer to imitate the actions of the experimenters with items from the appropriate domains.
B)Infants choose the appropriate items for imitation even when the infants had never seen the item before.
C)Infants would cross the domain boundaries when the experimenters demonstrated such behaviors.
D)Infants at 9 months old would imitate less often than infants at 14 months old.
Bird, Howard, and Franklin feel that the standard distinction of semantic and grammatical information is wrong. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)The most important distinction in conceptual storage is imageability and function.
B)The most important distinction in conceptual storage is imageability and grammatical information.
C)The most important distinction in conceptual storage is function and grammatical information.
D)The most important distinction in conceptual storage is semantic information and function.
Bird, Howard, and Franklin feel that the standard distinction of semantic and grammatical information is wrong. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)The participants included three noun deficit and three verb spared patients.
B)The participants included three verb deficit and three noun spared patients.
C)The participants included three verb deficit and three verb spared patients.
D)The participants included three noun deficit and three noun spared patients.
Saariluoma and Laine feel that novices best learn chess through noticing the type and color of the pieces. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)Chess experts perform far better than novices when remembering random patterns of chess pieces.
B)Chess experts perform well below novices when remembering random patterns of chess pieces.
C)Chess experts perform in a similar way to novices when remembering random patterns of chess pieces.
D)Chess experts remember the associations of pieces better than novices when tested with random patterns of chess pieces.
Saariluoma and Laine feel that novices best learn chess through noticing the type and color of the pieces. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)Both participants, NT and MQ, demonstrated similar learning rates.
B)Both participants demonstrated similar learning curves for both random and non-random positions.
C)Both participants were able to increase their recall from about 15% to between 40and 50%.
D)Both participants demonstrated a negatively accelerated learning curve for both random and non-random positions.
Pezdek and Eddy were replicating an earlier study done by Garry and her colleagues. With which of the following statements would the Pezdek and Eddy agree?
A)Garry and her colleagues were interested in the ratings on the lower end of the scale (1 = definitely did not happen) while Pezdek and Eddy were interested in both ends of the scale.
B)Garry and her colleagues were interested in the ratings on the lower end of the scale (1 = definitely did not happen) while Pezdek and Eddy were interested in the upper end of the scale (8 = definitely did happen).
C)Both Garry and her colleagues and Pezdek and Eddy were interested in the ratings on the lower end of the scale (1 = definitely did not happen).
D)Pezdek and Eddy were interested in the ratings on the lower end of the scale (1 = definitely did not happen) while Garry and her colleagues were interested in both ends of the scale.
Pezdek and Eddy were replicating an earlier study done by Garry and her colleagues. With which of the following statements would the Pezdek and Eddy agree?
A)Pezdek and Eddy did not exactly replicate Garry's research in that they involved a sample of accountants.
B)Pezdek and Eddy did not exactly replicate Garry's research in that they involved a sample of trauma victims.
C)Pezdek and Eddy did not exactly replicate Garry's research in that they involved a sample of children.
D)Pezdek and Eddy did not exactly replicate Garry's research in that they involved a sample of much older adults.
Ornstein, Ceci, and Loftus feel that memories are often inaccurate. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)One of the four themes is that whatever gets into memory may vary in strength.
B)One of the four themes is that everything that actually happens gets into memory.
C)One of the four themes is that memory retrieval for specific information is not perfect.
D)One of the four themes is that the status of information, such as its importance, in memory changes over time.
Ornstein, Ceci, and Loftus feel that memories are often inaccurate. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)Research suggests one of the basic factors influencing the strength of memory traces is location of the event.
B)Research suggests one of the basic factors influencing the strength of memory traces is the age of the individual.
C)Research suggests one of the basic factors influencing the strength of memory traces is the number of repeated exposures to the event.
D)Research suggests one of the basic factors influencing the strength of memory traces is the length of the exposure to the event.
Martin, Vu, Kellas, and Metcalf feel that the context-sensitive model best explains the way we retrieve meanings for ambiguous homonyms. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)A balanced homonym is one in which an ambiguous word has both an English meaning and a non-English meaning.
B)A balanced homonym is one in which an ambiguous word has both a formal meaning and a slang meaning.
C)A balanced homonym is one in which an ambiguous word has both a frequently used meaning and lesser used meanings.
D)A balanced homonym is one in which an ambiguous word has several frequently used meanings.
Martin, Vu, Kellas, and Metcalf feel that the context-sensitive model best explains the way we retrieve meanings for ambiguous homonyms. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)The reordered access model claims that when a less frequent meaning is indicated by the context both the dominant and the subordinate meanings are retrieved simultaneously.
B)The reordered access model claims that when a less frequent meaning is indicated by the context the dominant meaning is retrieved first.
C)The reordered access model claims that when a less frequent meaning is indicated by the context the subordinate meaning is retrieved first.
D)The reordered access model claims that when a less frequent meaning is indicated by the context only the subordinate meaning is retrieved.
Packman, Onslow, Coombes, and Goodwin feel that stuttering is not related to lexical retrieval. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)Levelt's model of speech production is outdated and useless.
B)Levelt's model of speech production is the most useful.
C)A dual process model is the most useful.
D)A triple process model is the most useful.
Packman, Onslow, Coombes, and Goodwin feel that stuttering is not related to lexical retrieval. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)The use of nonsense words eliminates any lexical retrieval.
B)The use of nonsense words adds lexical retrieval.
C)The use of nonsense words provided a control condition.
D)The use of nonsense words tested the dual process theory.
Frawley feels that the brain-as-computer model is useful in understanding language disorders. With which of the following statements would the author agree?
A)Most of cognitive science emphasizes data structures, while Frawley feels that information flow should get more attention.
B)Most of cognitive science emphasizes data structures and Frawley feels that is appropriate.
C)Most of cognitive science emphasizes information flow, while Frawley feels that data structures should get more attention.
D)Most of cognitive science emphasizes information flow and Frawley feels that is appropriate.
Frawley feels that the brain-as-computer model is useful in understanding language disorders. With which of the following statements would the author disagree?
A)Programming languages that lack statements or return values are called functional languages.
B)Programming languages that include statements and expressions are called procedural languages.
C)Programming languages that include statements and expressions are called sequential languages.
D)The choice of a computer programming language when testing the brain-as-computer analogy is not a concern.
Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso feel that emotional intelligence is a valid type of intelligence. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)Emotion is recognized as one of the four fundamental classes of mental operations.
B)Intelligence is recognized as one of the four fundamental classes of mental operations.
C)Cognition is recognized as one of the four fundamental classes of mental operations.
D)Motivation is recognized as one of the four fundamental classes of mental operations.
Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso feel that emotional intelligence is a valid type of intelligence. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)Ability models focus on the interaction of emotion and intelligences as traditionally defined.
B)Ability models focus on the interaction of emotions, intelligence, dispositions, and traits.
C)Ability models focus on the interaction of emotional, motivation, and personality.
D)Ability models focus on the interaction of emotion, motivation, communication skills, and intelligence.
Rodgers, Cleveland, van den Oord, and Rowe feel that birth order does not influence intelligence. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)They support the dilution model.
B)They support the confluence model.
C)They support the admixture model.
D)They support the sociological model.
Rodgers, Cleveland, van den Oord, and Rowe examined several models relating birth order to intelligence. With which of the following statements would the authors agree?
A)The dilution model suggests that the distribution of intelligence among parents is the most important factor.
B)The confluence model suggests that the distribution of intelligence among parents is the most important factor.
C)The admixture model suggests that the distribution of intelligence among parents is the most important factor.
D)The sociological model suggests that the distribution of intelligence among parents is the most important factor.
Churchland feels that a neural network best explains moral virtues. With which of the following statements would Churchland agree?
A)Moral virtues are schemas.
B)Moral virtues are skills.
C)Moral virtues are innate.
D)Moral virtues are the same in all people.
Churchland has developed a theory of a neural network model of moral virtues. With which of the following statements would he agree?
A)Moral judgment develops without influence from the environment.
B)Moral judgment develops quickly.
C)Moral judgment develops primary in very young children.
D)Moral judgment develops in stages or schemas.
Rest, Narvaez, Thoma, and Bebeau feel that Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning have merit. With which of the following statements would the author agree?
A)Kohlberg was steadfast in insisting that his theory was accurate and complete.
B)Kohlberg only changed his theory when the works of Rawls and Piaget were introduced.
C)Kohlberg seldom changed his theory and ideas.
D)Kohlberg continually revised his theory and ideas.
Rest, Narvaez, Thoma, and Bebeau feel that Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Reasoning have merit. With which of the following statements would the authors disagree?
A)They agree with Kohlberg's use of six hard stages.
B)They agree with Kohlberg's emphasis on cognition.
C)They agree with Kohlberg's emphasis on personal construction of epistemological categories.
D)They agree with Kohlberg's emphasis in adolescent and adulthood on the shift from conventional to postconventional thinking.
McCutcheon and Pincombe feel that intuition is valuable in nursing practice. With which of the following statements would the author agree?
A)Experience is more important than knowledge or expertise in intuition.
B)Expertise is more important than knowledge or experience in intuition.
C)Clinical knowledge is more important than experience or expertise in intuition.
D)The interaction of knowledge, expertise, and experience create intuition.
McCutcheon and Pincombe found that intuition was related to several other characteristics. With which of the following statements would the author disagree?
A)Intuition was found to be related to acceptance level of intuition in the working environment.
B)Intuition was found to be unrelated to the personality characteristics of the nurse.
C)Intuition was found to be related to the environment.
D)Intuition was found to be related to the nurse/client relationship.
Sternberg feels that it is important to teach wisdom in school settings. With which of the following statements would Sternberg disagree?
A)The goal of education should be more than to impart knowledge.
B)Teaching wisdom has always been implicit, but not explicit in schools.
C)Schools can be blamed for the fact most adults do not make wise decisions.
D)It is important to teach wisdom in order to increase IQ scores.
Sternberg describes both an implicit and explicit-theoretical approach to wisdom. With which of the following statements would Sternberg agree?
A)Implicit-theoretical approaches strive for a psychologically true account of wisdom.
B)Explicit-theoretical approaches are based on a formal theory of wisdom.
C)Explicit-theoretical approaches focus on folk psychology.
D)Implicit-theoretical approaches are focused on standardized tests.

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