1 |  |  The substitution effect of a rise in the price of labour will ___________ the quantity of labour and the output effect will __________ it |
|  | A) | increase, increase |
|  | B) | increase, reduce |
|  | C) | reduce, reduce |
|  | D) | reduce, increase |
2 |  |  As more labour is used the marginal physical product of labour increases |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
3 |  |  A profit-maximizing firm will hire labour until __________ equals the ____________ |
|  | A) | marginal revenue, marginal cost |
|  | B) | long run marginal revenue, long run marginal cost |
|  | C) | labour output ratio, capital output ratio |
|  | D) | marginal cost of labour, marginal revenue product |
4 |  |  The downward sloping marginal physical product of labour is the firm's ___________ |
|  | A) | supply of labour |
|  | B) | short-run demand curve for labour |
|  | C) | marginal cost of labour |
|  | D) | marginal revenue product of labour |
5 |  |  When we say that labour demand is a derived demand, we are referring to government initiatives to increase employment |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
6 |  |  The participation rate in the labour force is affected by |
|  | A) | higher real wages |
|  | B) | lower fixed costs of working |
|  | C) | lower non-labour income |
|  | D) | changes in tastes between leisure and work |
|  | E) | all of the above |
7 |  |  Top footballers tend to earn more than lecturers because |
|  | A) | footballers give more entertainment |
|  | B) | lecturers are lazy |
|  | C) | the labour markets are imperfect |
|  | D) | top footballers are relatively scarce in relation to lecturers |
8 |  |  Human capital can be described as |
|  | A) | the tools used by workers to enhance productivity |
|  | B) | a persons inherited abilities |
|  | C) | the stock of expertise accumulated by a worker |
|  | D) | education |
9 |  |  The supply of highly educated workers is fixed in long run |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
10 |  |  The most important source of wage differentials are |
|  | A) | regional variation |
|  | B) | unionization |
|  | C) | relative danger |
|  | D) | skills |
11 |  |  Skilled labour is relatively scarce because |
|  | A) | there are too few teachers |
|  | B) | too few student places in higher education |
|  | C) | it is costly to acquire human capital |
|  | D) | teachers' salaries are too low |
12 |  |  The opportunity cost of acquiring education is ____________ |
|  | A) | course fees |
|  | B) | course fees and living expenses |
|  | C) | the earnings foregone |
|  | D) | course fees, living expenses and textbooks |
13 |  |  By restricting labour supply a trade union can ____________ and ___________ |
|  | A) | increase the wage, increase employment |
|  | B) | maintain the wage, increase employment |
|  | C) | increase the wage, lower employment |
|  | D) | maintain the wage, lower employment |
14 |  |  In the UK under a _________ of the labour force belong to a trade union |
|  | A) | quarter |
|  | B) | third |
|  | C) | half |
|  | D) | three-quarters |
15 |  |  Unions achieve a higher wage differential the more _______________ and the more ___________ |
|  | A) | inelastic the demand for labour, they can restrict the supply of labour |
|  | B) | members they have, aggressive they behave |
|  | C) | the economy is growing, people prefer leisure |
|  | D) | the productivity s growing, vacancies exist |
16 |  |  A closed shop is a union that has no room for additional members. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
17 |  |  Women and non-whites on average receive lower incomes than white men because |
|  | A) | they tend to work in relatively unskilled jobs |
|  | B) | educational disadvantage |
|  | C) | firms are reluctant to invest in training |
|  | D) | all of the above |
18 |  |  In the UK, in recent years, union membership has _________ and days of work lost because of strikes has __________ |
|  | A) | grown, declined |
|  | B) | declined, declined |
|  | C) | declined, grown |
|  | D) | grown, grown |
19 |  |  Involuntary unemployment exists if workers |
|  | A) | will not work at the offered wage |
|  | B) | Would work at the going wage but cant find jobs |
|  | C) | Will not work because the hours are anti-social |
|  | D) | Are not prepared to move house to get the job |
20 |  |  Efficiency wages are _________ that raise ___________ |
|  | A) | low wages, employment |
|  | B) | high wages, labour supply |
|  | C) | high wages, productivity |
|  | D) | high wages, employment |
21 |  |  The difference between gross investment and net investment is |
|  | A) | depreciation of the existing capital stock |
|  | B) | productive investment |
|  | C) | dwellings |
|  | D) | inventories |
22 |  |  The cost of using capital services is the ___________________ |
|  | A) | wage rate of capital |
|  | B) | interest charges |
|  | C) | marginal capital cost |
|  | D) | rental rate for capital |
23 |  |  The value of an asset depends upon |
|  | A) | its scrap value |
|  | B) | its depreciation |
|  | C) | the present value of the future stream of income it can earn |
|  | D) | the cost of loans |
24 |  |  The marginal revenue product of capital is the __________________ |
|  | A) | change in a company's balance sheet when it acquires new plant |
|  | B) | additional value of output from using more capital |
|  | C) | change in a company's share price |
|  | D) | changing value of the capital stock |
25 |  |  The demand for capital services is derived from a falling MRPK schedule |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
26 |  |  In the short run, the supply of capital is ____________ and in the long run will depend on ____________ |
|  | A) | variable, technology |
|  | B) | fixed, expectations |
|  | C) | fixed, rental rate of capital |
|  | D) | variable, interest rates |
27 |  |  If workers get a real wage increase this will likely _______________ and ____________ |
|  | A) | encourage the use of more capital in the long run, reduce demand for all inputs |
|  | B) | encourage the use of more capital, increase demand for all inputs |
|  | C) | encourage the use of less capital, reduce demand for all inputs |
|  | D) | encourage the use of less capital, reduce demand for all inputs |
28 |  |  The supply of land is normally greater in the long run than in the short run |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
29 |  |  Land will be allocated between competing uses so that _______________ |
|  | A) | housing gets priority |
|  | B) | industry gets priority |
|  | C) | farming gets priority |
|  | D) | the equilibrium rental rate equilibrates total demand with supply |
30 |  |  Different capital intensity in different industries is mainly explained by _________ and _________ |
|  | A) | wage differentials, skill levels |
|  | B) | technology, the ease of factor substitution |
|  | C) | government grants, international competition |
|  | D) | patents, skill shortages |
31 |  |  The functional distribution of income shows how national income is divided between |
|  | A) | employees |
|  | B) | the population |
|  | C) | the factors of production |
|  | D) | the working population |
32 |  |  A major cause of income inequality in the UK is trade union power |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |
33 |  |  The transfer earnings of a factor are the payments received in excess of its opportunity cost. |
|  | A) | TRUE |
|  | B) | FALSE |