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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Fundamentals of Logistics Mangement: European Edition

David B Grant, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Douglas M Lambert, Ohio State University, USA
James R Stock, University of Southern Florida, USA
Lisa M Ellram, Arizona State University, USA

ISBN: 0077108949
Copyright year: 2006

Fundamentals of Logistics Management (European edition) offers students a fresh perspective on the evolving factors that make logistics critical for business success. With a marketing approach to logistics that prioritizes customer satisfaction, the text includes all the relevant theory and uses case studies from a variety of industries to illustrate effective logistics strategies. The book covers global logistics while also focusing on logistics issues unique to Europe. Core logistics concepts are introduced in an accessible and practical format, making this an essential text for anyone studying logistics for the first time.

Fundamentals of Logistics Mangement

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