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Interactive Maps
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Map 1

  1. Drag the label for each of the three earliest civilizations to its location on the map:
    • Sumer
    • Egypt
    • Indus Valley
  2. Click on the primary region that barbarian invaders came from.
  3. Click on the two areas of early interaction between civilizations.

Map 2

  1. Click on
    1. the four primary areas where early agricultural sites were located
    2. the three main river valleys in the region
    3. the three areas where the first three civilizations appeared.
  2. Click on the locations of the following civilizations at their heights:
    1. Egypt (1300 B.C.)
    2. the Hittite kingdom (1200 B.C.)
    3. the Hebrew kingdom (900 B.C.)
    4. the Assyrian Empire (650 B.C.)
    5. the Persian Empire (500 B.C.)

LS4 (UMUC) West Civ II Prf OLCOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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