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Problems for Analysis
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I. Ideas of Change

1. What were the main aspects of early nineteenth-century conservatism?
2. How did liberals evaluate change? What economic policies did they recommend? What role did utilitarianism play in nineteenth-century reform efforts? In what ways did the liberal ideas of John Stuart Mill evolve?
3. What common themes characterize the ideas of Saint-Simon, Fourier, and Owen? Since many of their ideas proved impractical, why are they considered important?

II. The Structure of Society

1. Compare the changing environment, social position, and economic circumstances of the aristocracy, peasantry, working classes, and middle classes.
2. Describe and explain the growth of population during the nineteenth century. How were attitudes toward population changes reflected in the ideas of Thomas Malthus?
3. Considering governmental social policies during the first half of the nineteenth century, how strictly did governments follow the dictates of economic liberalism?

III. The Spread of Liberal Government


III. The Spread of Liberal Government

1. Compare political liberalism with conservatism.
2. In what ways did the revolutions of 1830 signify the ascendancy of political liberalism in Europe?
3. What policies reflected the growth of liberalism in Britain?

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