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Chapter Outline
(See related pages)

I. Economic Transformations
  1. The Second Industrial Revolution
  2. The Demographic Change

II. Understandings of Nature and Society
  1. The Conquests of Science
  2. Social Science and Ideas of Progress

III. The Belle Époque
  1. The Culture of Capitalism
  2. "The Woman Question"
  3. Artistic Modernism

IV. Attacks on Liberal Civilization
  1. Working-Class Movements
  2. Gender Wars in the Fin De Siecle
  3. The Christian Critique
  4. Beyond Reason

V. Domestic Politics
  1. Common Problems
  2. Germany: The Reich
  3. Italy: The Liberal Monarchy
  4. Russia: Defeat and Revolution
  5. Austria-Hungary: The Delicate Balance
  6. Spain: Instability and Loss of Empire
  7. Great Britain: Edging Toward Democracy

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