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Essay Quiz
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In retrospect, what policies might have succeeded in stopping Hitler and Mussolini and avoiding World War II? What prevented statesmen or nations from following such policies?

As a French communist supporter of the Soviet Union in 1939, how would you explain the Soviet-German agreement? What arguments would you be likely to encounter?

Imagine that you are in the crematorium at Birkenau with members of your family. Describe the 10 minutes between the time the doors are forced shut and when the gas kills you.

Assume you are a Soviet statesman during the late 1950s. Defend the Soviet Union's policies in Europe between 1945 and 1955, and attack those of the United States.

Assume you are an American statesman during the late 1950s. Defend America's policies in Europe between 1945 and 1955, and attack those of the USSR

Considering the devastation caused by World War II, the loss of colonial empires following the war, and the rise to superpower status of the United States and the USSR, should the mid-twentieth century be considered the culmination of Europe's decline? Explain.

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