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Chapter Outline
(See related pages)

I. The Unification of Italy (to 264 B.C.)

  1. The Geography of Italy
  2. Early Rome
  3. The Early Roman Republic
  4. The Struggle of the Orders (494–287 B.C.)
  5. Roman Society in the Republic
  6. Early Expansion of Rome

II. The Age of Mediterranean Conquest (264--133 b.c.)

  1. The Punic Wars
  2. Expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean
  3. The Nature of Roman Expansion

III. The Roman Revolution (133--27 b.c.)

  1. Social Change and the Gracchi
  2. The Years of the Warlords
  3. The First Triumvirate
  4. The Supremacy of Julius Caesar

IV. The End of the Roman Republic

  1. The Second Triumvirate
  2. Octavian Triumphant

V. The Founding of the Roman Empire

  1. Augustus and the Principate
  2. Augustus, the First Roman Emperor

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