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Problems for Analysis
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I. The New Community of Peoples

Considering the numerous invasions of the Roman Empire by Germanic and Slavic tribes, was there a pattern to their conquests and settlements? Explain.

Despite many differences between Germans and Romans, the Germans assimilated into the culture of the Roman Empire. How do you explain this?

What legal, political, military, and cultural institutions did the Germans bring with them? Indicate any connections between these and later medieval institutions.

II. The New Political Structures

Justinian was both successful and unsuccessful in carrying out his ambitious plans. Compare his accomplishments with his ambitions. Do you think he would be considered a Roman or a Byzantine emperor? Why?

What was the relationship between German kings and the surviving elements of the Roman Empire? Why did this relationship come about?

How did changes in warfare affect Frankish society? How were these social changes related to the rise of Pepin of Heristal and his descendants?

III. The New Economy

In what ways did Europeans make important technological and organizational changes in the economy of the Early Middle Ages?

What does the dispute over the decline of trade and towns in the Early Middle Ages reveal about the different sources of information that historians use?

IV. The Expansion of the Church

How were the early Roman bishops able to develop themselves into powerful popes? What role did Gregory the Great play in this development?

Why was monasticism so important? What were the characteristics of monasticism? Why was the Benedictine rule so important?

What peoples were converted to Christianity during this period? What groups in the Christian West supplied and supported the missionary initiative?

V. The Church and Classical Learning

In what ways was Classical culture saved and transformed by the Church? Why was Classical culture so important to the Church?

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