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A response by a living cell to a change in its environment is called
E)signal transduction.
A ligand is most accurately defined as a(n): (p. 177)
A)transcription factor that promotes increased production of a particular protein in response to an environmental change.
B)receptor molecule that binds a signaling molecule sent from another cell.
C)enzyme that phosphorylates amino acids of other proteins.
D)cytoskeletal element that alters its shape to promote movement of a cell.
E)signaling molecule that binds to a cellular receptor.
The small molecules or ions that bind surface receptors in the plasma membrane of a cell are most accurately referred to as
A)first messengers.
B)second messengers.
E)intracellular receptors.
True or False: Cyclic AMP may be synthesized by adenylyl cyclase via ATP.
Neurotransmitters being released from a nerve cell and binding to another nerve cell or a muscle cell would be an example of which one of the following types of cell communication?
A)endocrine signaling
B)autocrine signaling
C)paracrine signaling
D)direct intercellular signaling
E)contact dependent signaling
Which one of the following types of cell communication is an example of autocrine signaling?
A)A hormone is distributed to target cells through the bloodstream.
B)A signaling molecule passes through a gap junction from one cell to another cell.
C)A signaling molecule is secreted by a cell and affects only that cell.
D)A membrane-bound signaling molecule on a cell interacts with a membrane-bound receptor on a neighboring cell.
E)A signal molecule that stimulates all surrounding cells and the signaling cell.
Arrange the stages of cell signaling in order from first to last.
i. cellular response
ii. receptor activation
iii. signal transduction
A)i, ii, iii
B)ii, iii, i
C)iii, i, ii
D)iii, ii, i
E)ii, i, iii
True or False: Ligands bind so specifically to their receptors because the interactions are covalent.
Most types of enzyme linked receptors function by
A)interacting with G-proteins.
B)opening a channel in a biological membrane.
C)closing a channel in a biological membrane.
D)phosphorylation of a protein from ATP in their intracellular domain.
E)causing a conformational change in the ligand.
Which of the following occurs during the signal transduction phase in G protein activation?
A)binding of signal molecule to GPCR
B)reassociation of α, β and γ subunits
C)binding of GPCR to G protein
D)promotion of cellular responses due to dissociation of activated a subunit and β/γ subunit
E)dissociation of signal molecule
The receptor for the steroid hormone estrogen is found
A)at the extracellular face of the cytoplasmic membrane.
B)at the cytosolic face of the cytoplasmic membrane.
C)in the cytoplasm.
D)at the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope.
E)in the nucleus.
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases can be found in
D)bacteria and animals.
E)bacteria, animals, and archea.
An enzyme that transfers a phosphate group to another molecule is called a ________, and an enzyme that removes a phosphate group from another molecule is called a ________.
A)kinase; phosphatase
B)phosphatase; dephosphatase
C)phosphodiesterase; kinase
D)cyclase; phosphodiesterase
E)phosphatase; kinase
True or False: Activated subunits of PKA are inactivated when they reassociate with the regulatory subunits in the presence of low levels of cAMP.
Which one of the following statements about the use of calcium ions in signal transduction is correct?
A)Ca2+ is an example of a second messenger.
B)The Ca2+concentration in the mitochondrial matrix can be 10,000 fold higher than that of the cytoplasm.
C)Under non-stimulated conditions, the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ is typically higher than the extracellular Ca2+ concentration.
D)Ca2+ can be moved against its concentration gradient by the energy produced by a proton or sodium pump.
E)ATP can be used as an energy source to move Ca2+ against a concentration gradient.
Which of the following describes the cellular function of a G-protein?
A)They activate adenylyl cyclase
B)They activate phospholipase C
C)They function as transcription factors
D)They activate adenylyl cyclase and they activate phospholipase C
E)They activate adenylyl cyclase and they function as transcription factors
Which of the following examples regarding differential gene regulation affecting cellular response is not true?
A)Different cell receptors on the same cell recognize the same molecule
B)Protein expression in intracellular signal transduction pathways can vary from cell to cell
C)Differences in affinity for the same sgnal molecule in different cell types allows different cell responses in varying signal molecule concentrations
D)Cells capable of responding to signal molecule utilize the same receptors
E)Receptors for a signal molecule may or may not be be expressed by a cell
Active Caspase functions
A)as a protease.
B)after release from the death-inducing signaling complex.
C)as an iniator or effector caspase.
D)as a protease and after release from the death-inducing signaling complex.
E)as a protease, after release from the death-inducing signaling complex, and as an iniator or effector caspase.
True or False: Growth factors promote cell division in plant and animal cells.
Which of the following is/are advantages of second messengers?
D)Speed and Size
E)Speed, Size, and Amplification

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