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Animations and Videos
(See related pages)

How Diffusion Works (1216.0K)

Diffusion Through Cell Membranes (104.0K)

How Facilitated Diffusion Works (581.0K)

Binding Site Saturation (199.0K)

How Osmosis Works (1953.0K)

Osmosis (84.0K)

Plasmolysis (1384.0K)

Hemolysis and Crenation (4357.0K)

Primary Active Transport (75.0K)

Secondary Active Transport (53.0K)

How the Sodium Potassium Pump Works (819.0K)

The Sodium Potassium Exchange Pump (1104.0K)

Cotransport (Symport and Antiport) (753.0K)

Phagocytosis (798.0K)

Endocytosis and Exocytosis (781.0K)

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