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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Collect or describe three examples of marketing communications. Explain why you would or would not consider each one to be an example of advertising.

  2. Bring into class or describe an advertising example of demarketing. Explain why you think the advertiser would want to slow demand for a product.

  3. Find a print ad that exemplifies several of the seven functions and effects of advertising. Describe how the ad addresses each one.

  4. Visit the Web site for the Mini at Look carefully at the first page to get a sense of the information the advertiser wants you to see and experience when you first arrive. What links are you interested in exploring and why? Investigate your options for customizing your own Mini, for becoming a Mini Insider, for playing games, and for finding a dealership. Consider how aspects of the Web site help to inform you about the brand personality of the Mini. How much information about the marketing mix for the Mini can you learn from the Web site?

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