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Review Questions
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  1. How does advertising for the American Cancer Society compare with the standard definition of advertising?
  2. What are the three major functional areas of business? Which function is closely related to advertising?
  3. What are the four elements that compose a company's marketing strategy and how do they affect the type of advertising a company uses?
  4. What are the four fundamental assumptions of free market economics?
  5. How does advertising lower the costs of sales?
  6. What has been the most important influence on advertising in the postindustrial age?
  7. What are three examples of companies or organizations that use a demarketing strategy?
  8. In what ways are new media and technologies challenging traditional media?
  9. As a consumer, are you likely to save money buying at a store that doesn't advertise? Explain.
  10. What is a company's most important asset and what must companies do to protect that asset?

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