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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Typeface makes a strong contribution to the overall effect of an advertisement. Create ads with appropriate typefaces for three of the following media products. (Typefaces are not restricted to those discussed in Commercial Break 10–A.) You may design your own typefaces or select them from the choices in a word processing program.

    1. The Gettysburg Address
    2. The King James Bible
    3. Stephen King's (or Stanley Kubrick's) The Shining
    4. A DVD collection of Friends episodes
    5. A boxed set of "Barney's Greatest Hits" CDs
    6. An astronomy textbook
    7. A collection of Lord of the Rings

  2. Prepare a mechanical pasteup of a print advertisement of your own design. You may cut and paste copy, graphics, and logos from magazines or other sources. The finished product should be "camera ready."

  3. Looking through magazines and newspapers, find examples of line art, black and white halftones, and four-color process images.

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