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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Look through the TV listings for cable shows on several specialty cable channels. What audience do you think watches those channels? What products would you expect to see advertised?

  2. While you are watching television, note which commercials are aired at what times. Do you see a pattern of advertisers during the shows versus between shows? What about at different times of day? What conclusions can you draw?

  3. Pretend you are in a Nielsen TV Diary household for one week. Write down what shows you watched on which channels at what time of day. Was it difficult? How accurate do you think these surveys are?

  4. Listen to some radio stations that you wouldn't normally consider listening to. Pay attention to the ads that you hear. Are the products different than those you normally hear advertised? If not you, whom are they trying to reach?

  5. Valentine's Day is approaching and, as the owner of Dream Flower Florists, you want to increase your share of local business by advertising on the radio. After researching local stations, choose one whose format suits your target audience. Decide what kind of buys you will make and when they will be aired.

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