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Review Questions
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  1. What does it mean for advertising to resonate? What causes an ad to resonate?
  2. Why is the creative strategy so important?
  3. What is creativity? Find some additional definitions on the Internet.
  4. What characterizes the two main styles of thinking? Which style do you usually prefer? Why?
  5. What are some techniques you personally might use to develop an "insight outlook" and to discover new ideas?
  6. In your own words, describe the difference between the creative strategy and a big idea.
  7. Creative ideas come from manipulating or transforming things. Describe Van Oech's suggested techniques for manipulating ideas.
  8. What does it mean to "start thinking like the client"? Why might this be a problem for an agency?
  9. Describe the five steps through which advertising must take customers according to the creative pyramid.
  10. What five questions does David Ogilvy recommend that clients ask themselves when evaluating creative concepts? Do you think his standards are too high?

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