Paul M. Insel,
Stanford University Walton T. Roth,
Stanford University
ISBN: 0077613317 Copyright year: 2014
Media bank. A new media bank in Connect offers instructors and students easy access to the rich video program that comes with Connect Core Concepts in Health.
Increased focus on behavior change. Effective and lasting behavior change is given even greater emphasis in the 13th edition, with a streamlined pedagogical program focusing on actions student can take now and in the future, a new box program ("Wellness Matters") focusing on the health and well being of college students, and a new "Behavior Change Contract" in Chapter 1.
New "Wellness on Campus" boxes. Each chapter of Connect Core Concepts in Health includes a new boxed feature, "Wellness on Campus," that discusses specific health and wellness issues as they pertain to college students. One "Wellness Matters" box, for example, helps students understand how to find health and wellness resources on their campus and in their community. Another discusses contraceptive use among college-aged individuals.
Content updates. Every chapter includes the latest scientific thinking, data, and statistics from such authoritative sources as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and many more. The nutrition chapter has been significantly updated to include the government's new MyPlate recommendation system.
Retained Features
Connect Personal Health gives students access to a wealth of interactive online content, including fitness labs and self-assessments, video activities, a fitness and nutrition journal, a behavior change workbook, and practice quizzes with immediate feedback. Additionally, the media-rich eBook available with Connect Plus contains embedded video clips, full-color images, links to discipline specific sites, key terms and definitions, and behavior change tools. Connect also enables instructors to hold students accountable for reading the book. Auto graded activities and online health portfolios save instructors grading homework. Students come to class prepared.
Connect includes LearnSmart, an unparalleled adaptive testing program that diagnoses students' knowledge of a subject then creates an individualized learning path to help them master the concepts with which they struggle the most. Students who complete the LearnSmart assignments are more likely to come to class prepared and motivated.
"Dimensions of Diversity" boxes discuss health issues for diverse groups and population segments, including men and woman, and different ethnic groups, age groups, and income groups.
"Embracing Wellness", "Ask Yourself", and "Take Charge" boxes encourage students to relate material to their own lives, to examine their health-related behaviors, and to take responsibility for those behaviors and change them when necessary.
"Assess Yourself" and "Behavior Change Strategy" sections guide students through the process of assessing the need for and implementing behavior change in their own lives, with a focus on discrete, measurable outcomes.
The "Tips for Today and the Future" features provide brief distillations of the major message of each chapter, followed by lists of simple things that students can try right away in order to improve their wellness.
A set of documentary-style "College Health Report" videos engage students in the complexity of health topics familiar to them: tanning, tattooing, partner violence, stress, healthy eating, and DUIs.
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