Paul M. Insel,
Stanford University Walton T. Roth,
Stanford University
ISBN: 0077613317 Copyright year: 2014
New to this Edition
Chapter 1
The discussion of the dimensions of wellness has been thoroughly updated, with the addition of financial wellness, and refined explanations of emotional, interpersonal, and occupation wellness
All of the chapter's statistical material has been updated to reflect the latest information on morbidity, mortality, and measures of quality of life
The discussion of Healthy People 2020 has been updated with the newest round of objectives and the latest statistics on Americans' progress toward meeting these goals
A new Wellness Matters box, "Wellness Matters for College Students," introduces students to the wellness issues most relevant to their age and circumstances
A new blank Behavior Change Contract provides a vital tool for tracking and achieving meaningful behavior change
Chapter 2
Statistics on stress have been updated throughout, with data from the 2011 American Psychological Association's "Stress in America" survey
A new Wellness Matters box, "Coping with News of Traumatic Events," helps students deal with troubling news, whether it be about local, nation, or international events
An expanded discussion of the role of spirituality in managing stress includes spiritual engagement beyond the traditional definition of organized religion
Chapter 3
A new section on becoming resilient defines psychological resilience and provides tips on building personal resiliency
All of the chapter's statistical material has been updated to reflect the latest information on the prevalence of psychological disorders among Americans
A new Wellness Matters box, "Deliberate Self-harm," addresses the prevalence of and treatment for deliberate self injury
Updated coverage on pharmacological therapy includes the latest drug therapies for depression, psychosis, and ADHD; discussion of the criticisms of drug therapy has been expanded
Chapter 4
Self-acceptance added to the discussion of self-concept and self-esteem, including the role adults play in nurturing self-acceptance in children
A new section explores the role that emotional intelligence plays in developing and maintaining meaningful relationships; tips included on enhancing one's own emotional intelligence
The discussion on ending a relationship has been expanded to include "rebound relationships"
A new section addresses the potential positive and negative effects that digital communication has on human relationships
The discussion of same-sex marriage has been updated to include the latest state and national legislature
Demographic statistics have been updated throughout, with data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Center for Health Statistics, and others
Chapter 5
A new table on reproductive aging in women outlines the changes that occur in the female reproductive system from puberty to postmenopause
A new Wellness Matters box, "Questions to Ask Before Getting Involved in a Sexual Relationship" prompts readers to consider their sexual beliefs, interest, and boundaries before entering a sexual relationship
Statistics on Americans' sexual attitudes and behaviors have been thoroughly updated
Chapter 6
An expanded discussion on the principles of contraception introduces students to the broader principles involved in effective contraception
A new Wellness Matters box "Contraception Use and Pregnancy Among College Students" provides the most up-to-date statistics on college-aged populations, including differences among races and ethnicities
Sections on the contraceptive ring, contraceptive implants, injectable contraceptives, and IUDS have been updated with the latest information on effectiveness and potential side effects
Statistics on the popularity and effectiveness of available contraceptive methods have been updated throughout
Chapter 7
Information on the current legal status of abortion has been updated to include the latest laws and restrictions
The most current statistics on abortion rates and methods have been integrated throughout the chapter
A new section provides information on a man's legal rights in regards to abortion
Chapter 8
New information on ethnicity and genetic disease has been added to the Diversity Matters box
The sections on infertility and infertility treatments have been updated with the latest statistics and medical considerations
New information on the causes and survival rates of preterm birth now included in the section on complications of pregnancy
Chapter 9
A new section addresses the rise of synthetic recreational drugs, including "bath salts"
A new Wellness Matters box, "Drug Use Among College Students," contains the latest statistics and data
Information on gender differences and drug use has been significantly revised
The section on the legal consequences of drug use has been updated and expanded
Chapter 10
A new Wellness Matters box on alcoholic energy drinks details the usage and dangers of these increasingly popular beverages
The newest data on binge drinking is included, along with discussion of the potentially harmful consequences of the practice
Material on gender differences and alcohol use has been integrated throughout the chapter
Chapter 11
Statistics on tobacco use updated, with data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the Youth Risk Behavior Strategy, the American Cancer Society, and others
Updated content on e-cigarettes addresses their composition and the validity of their marketing claims
Chapter 12
Coverage of U.S. food guidance systems has been updated to reflect new 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Coverage of the USDA's new MyPlate added, including information on how students can apply its recommendations to their own lives
The recommended Daily Allowances for calcium and vitamin D have been updated to reflect 2011 revisions to the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine
New content on the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act appears
Chapter 13
A new, more detailed definition of physical fitness opens the chapter
All exercise guidelines have been updated to reflect the 2011 statement of the ACSM
A new section on responders vs. nonresponders to exercise addresses the variety of individual response to any particular exercise program
A new section describes how to use a heart rate monitor to measure the intensity of exercise
Chapter 14
Statistics on overweight and obesity in the United States updated, including breakdown by gender and race/ethnicity; all statistics reflect the latest numbers available from the CDC
Results of the latest research on overweight and obesity addressed throughout the chapter
Material from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans on overweight and obesity added, including information on obesogenic environments
A new Wellness Matters box, "The Freshman 15: Fact or Myth?", addresses the true amount of typical college weight gain and provides tips for maintaining a healthy weight in college
Chapter 15
Statistics on heart disease updated throughout
New information appears on optimal cholesterol and LDL levels
New content addresses the use of statins to reduce the risk of CVD
Chapter 16
A new figure (16.1) provides data on cancer deaths attributable to cigarette smoking
A new section describes the link between the BRCA gene and breast cancer
Expanded coverage addresses environmental and industrial pollution as a cause of cancer
Information on screening and treatment for prostate cancer and ovarian cancer has been updated with the latest medical recommendations
New information appears on the treatment of melanoma
Chapter 17
Statistics on top infectious diseases nationwide and worldwide updated with data from the CDC and the WHO
A new Wellness on Campus box "Meningococcal Meningitis and College Students" provides information on the disease along with vaccination recommendations from the CDC and the American College
A new section provides coverage of the 2011-2012 controversy over suppression of influenza research
A new Embracing Wellness box "Exercise, Diet, Body Weight, and the Immune System" addresses the link between overall physical fitness and wellness and immunological health
Chapter 18
Statistics on the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other STDs in the United States and worldwide have been updated throughout, with breakdown by gender, ethnicity/race, sexual orientation, and sexual behavior; latest numbers available from the CDC, the WHO, and UNAIDS included
Content updates address the latest research on HIV/AIDS and other STDs
The new U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and American Cancer Society recommendations for Pap test and HPV test are included
New coverage addresses the STD lymphogranuloma venereum
Chapter 19
Updated coverage of global warming provides the latest scientific information on the problem and potential solutions
Information on renewable energy sources has been significantly updated with the latest usage statistics and technologies
A new section addresses the risk and risks of extreme energy sources
All statistics have been updated throughout the chapter
Chapter 20
A new section on pharmaceuticals and the placebo effect integrates this coverage into the chapter
The Critical Consumer box "Evaluating Health News" has been significantly revised to better guide students through appraising the legitimacy of health information and recommendations
A new Wellness on Campus box guides students through the process of creating a personal health record
Chapter 21
Update information on the dangers of distracted driving, including coverage of recent state legislation and the NTSB's recommended ban on the use of portable electronic devises while driving
Statistics updated throughout with data from the National Safety Council, Federal Bureau of Investigation, CDC, WHO, and others
Chapter 22
A new section on sexual functioning in older adults describes changes that typically occur as we age
Expanded information on dementia discusses the latest Alzheimer's research, as well as other common causes of dementia
Chapter 23
The chapter has been revised throughout to address the typical concerns of a student audience
The section on end-of-life care has been considerably revised, including a significantly expanded section on hospice care
Material on funeral procedures has been updated to reflect the rising prevalence of cremation in the United States
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