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Chapter Quiz
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An operations manager is responsible for:
A)sales of inputs.
B)conversion of outputs into inputs.
C)setting the company vision.
D)determining the need for improvements to increase efficiency.
E)formulation of a sales strategy.
Customers mostly prefer:
A)a high-quality product at a high price.
B)good after-sales service for a product with few features.
C)a low quality product customized to their unique needs.
D)a product with many features customized to their unique needs.
E)a low price product with poor after-sales service.
The most commonly used measure utilized to draw efficiency comparisons between different organizations is _____ productivity.
A)total factor
Regarding the different facilities layouts, ____.
A)in a process layout, workstations are organized in a fixed sequence
B)a product layout is commonly used for custom-made products
C)in a process layout, the product goes to whichever workstation is needed to perform the next operation to complete the product
D)in a product layout, workstations are not organized in a fixed sequence
E)mass production is the familiar name for the process layout
The manufacturing processes that is most likely to require a fixed-position layout is the:
A)manufacture of safety pins.
B)construction of a building.
C)production of breakfast cereals.
D)production of ready-to-wear clothing.
E)manufacture of automobile parts in large quantities.
The stock of raw materials, inputs, and component parts that an organization has on hand at a particular time is known as ____.
A)consignment stock
C)capital stock
E)foundation stock
Toyota's "kanban" system is a famous example of _____.
A)just in case manufacturing
B)demand flow technology
C)horizontal integration
D)vertical integration
E)just-in-time inventory system
A drawback of JIT systems is that:
A)they increase the inventory holding costs.
B)they leave an organization without a buffer stock of inventory.
C)they result in increased turnover times for inventory.
D)the products are not delivered on time.
E)quality costs are reduced in the short run but tend to increase in the long run.
The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed, is:
B)flexible manufacturing.
C)process reengineering.
D)business process management.
E)vertical integration.
Ford Motors simplified its procurement system by reducing the number of documents required for each purchase order. This is an example of:
A)JIT manufacturing.
B)horizontal integration.
C)process reengineering.
D)business process management.
E)vertical integration.

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