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Instructor Edition
Essentials of Business Statistics, 5/e

Bruce L. Bowerman, Miami University
Richard T. O'Connell, Miami University
Emily S. Murphree, Miami University
J. B. Orris, Butler University

ISBN: 0078020530
Copyright year: 2015


Instructor's Supplements:

Online Learning Center:
The Online Learning Center (OLC) is the text website with online content for both students and instructors. It provides the instructor with a complete Instructor’s Manual in Word format, the complete Test Bank in both Word files and computerized EZ Test format, Instructor PowerPoint slides, text art files, an introduction to ALEKS®, an introduction to McGraw-Hill ConnectBusiness Statistics®, access to the eBook, and more.

All test bank questions are available in an EZ Test electronic format. Included are a number of multiple-choice, true/false, and short-answer questions and problems. The answers to all questions are given, along with a rating of the level of difficulty, Bloom’s taxonomy question type, and AACSB knowledge category.

Student's Supplements:

Online Learning Center:
The Online Learning Center (OLC) provides students with the following content:

  • Quizzes—self-grading to assess knowledge of the material
  • Data sets—import into Excel for quick calculation and analysis
  • PowerPoint—gives an overview of chapter content
  • Appendixes—quick look-up when the text isn’t available

Instructors: To experience this product firsthand, contact your McGraw-Hill Education Learning Technology Specialist.