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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following are parts of IDEO's product design process?
A)Rapid prototyping
B)Using project milestones
E)A and C
Which of the following are characteristics of a company's core competence?
A)It is not easy to outsource.
B)It provides potential access to a variety of markets.
C)It increases perceived customer benefits.
D)It is hard for competitors to imitate.
E)B, C and D
Manufacturing is involved in what phase(s) of the product design process?
A)Detail Design
B)Production Ramp-up
C)Initial Planning
D)Concept Development
E)A, B, C and D
Quality Function Deployment ______________
A)is a tool for translating customer requirements into concrete operating and engineering goals.
B)facilitates inter-functional cooperation between marketing, engineering, and manufacturing.
C)provides a better understanding and focus on process characteristics that require improvements.
D)both A and B
E)A, B, and C
Which of the following statements is true about value analysis/value engineering (VA/VE)?
A)The purpose of VA/VE is to simplify products and processes.
B)The objective of VA/VE is to achieve equivalent or better performance at a lower cost.
C)VA is performed before the production stage, while VE deals with products already in production.
D)both A and B
E)A, B, and C
When marketing, engineering, and operations simultaneously develop a process (cross -functional integration), this approach is known as __________________________.
A)sequential process
B)traditional approach
C)concurrent engineering
D)both A and B
E)None of the above.
When designing service products, which of the following is not true?
A)It must fit with current products.
B)It should be profitable.
C)It should be done by engineers only.
D)It must be operationally possible.
E)Complexity and divergence should be considered.
When evaluating a new product development project using net present value analysis, which of the following will make the project more attractive?
A)Delaying the start of the project
B)Making the project run over a longer period of time
C)Improving (bringing forward) the date when revenue will begin
D)A and B
E)None of the above.
Which is the least important performance dimension for product development projects?
D)Product flexibility
E)A, B, and C
Product development success can be categorized into ______________
A)those that relate to the speed and frequency of bringing new products online.
B)productivity of the actual development process.
C)quality of the actual products introduced.
D)A, B, and C
E)A and B only

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