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Reel Society
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INSTRUCTION: The links below take you to video clips taken from Reel Society, which is a unique movie that is centered on key topics in sociology by using actors and scenarios involving life on campus, in the community, and with the family. The interactive movies are built around the learning objectives of a typical introductory sociology course. It allows students to explore course concepts and terminology in a relevant and meaningful context. Students can explore a wide variety of topics and issues--culture, socialization, marriage and family, inequality, race and ethnicity, deviance, the media, social change, and more.

Gender Roles: Molly at a Party

Broadband (8491.0K)

Dial-up (1605.0K)

  • Some of the Reel Society characters express shock and surprise when Gita violates their gender role expectations by not shaving her legs. Do you think that their discovery will have a negative impact on Gita's relationship with Molly, Chris, or Charlotte? Thinking more broadly, do you think that Americans tend to develop friendships mainly with people who share the same gender role expectations? If so, why is it so important that those around us share similar gender role expectations?
  • You see many differences in female roles throughout Reel Society. Gender roles for Molly and Gita are often very different, for example. Now think about some real men you know. Is there as much variation in gender roles for men as there is for women? If you decide that there isn't, what do you think accounts for this?
Gender Roles: Slam Girls

Broadband (11241.0K)

Dial-up (2019.0K)

  • Is it important or even necessary at all to have gender-specific social roles? Explore what a society would be like where men and women have exactly the same social roles.
  • As a way of exploring the significance of gender roles, imagine how your life would have been different if you had been born male instead of female, or female instead of male. With the same genetic heritage and family of socialization--but a different gender--do you see yourself becoming a very different kind of person? In what ways?

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