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Social Policy
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How Americans Feel About the Abortion Issue

Few issues seem to stir as much intense conflict as abortion. To find out how Americans feel about abortion, visit Public Agenda Online at From the left-hand side of the page under "Issues Guides," select Abortion, click on Overview, and then answer the following questions:

How do the majority of Americans feel about abortion according to surveys?
Why might the nature of the abortion debate change dramatically in the next several years?
Why has the abortion rate been declining according to the Centers for Disease Control?

Click the Back Button and scroll down to The Public View. Click on People's Chief Concerns and then on "Americans are divided on whether they are pro-choice or pro-life, but slightly more than half say abortion is morally wrong."

Did most of those surveyed consider themselves to be pro-life or pro-choice? What are the percentages for each?

Now click on Bills and Proposals and then on "Most Americans say that Roe v. Wade should not be overturned, but are divided on whether the U.S. Supreme Court's decision went too far in making abortion legal."

What percent of those surveyed would like to see the Roe v. Wade decision overturned? How do you feel about overturning this decision?
What percent of those polled believed the government should restrict the availability of abortions? How would you answer this question if you were polled today?

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