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Reel Society
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INSTRUCTIONS: The links below take you to video clips from Reel Society, a unique movie that brings sociology to life through the use of actors and scenarios involving life on campus, in the community, and within the family. These clips allow you to explore a wide variety of topics and issues, including culture, socialization, marriage and family, inequality, race and ethnicity, deviance, the media, social change, and more.

View the videos, answer the following questions below and discuss your answers with your classmates and instructor.

Role of Religion (Marx): Daniel Questions School Vouchers

Broadband (10412.0K)

Dial-up (1891.0K)

  • Explain whether you agree or disagree with the ideas on religion put forth by Marx.
  • Is your religious organization involved in any social causes, such as eliminating poverty? Are their concerns similar to the concerns of liberation theology?
The Sacred and Profane: The Santa Rosa Figurine

Broadband (5059.0K)

Dial-up (927.0K)

  • Explain which things are sacred for you, and why. If you do not hold any objects to be religiously sacred, explain why this is so.
  • Describe your religious socialization as a child. Which objects were you taught to hold sacred? To what extent do you still hold them sacred?
Conflict Perspective on Education: Daniel Tutors Lydia

Broadband (6754.0K)

Dial-up (1262.0K)

  • Compare and contrast the conflict and functionalist views of education. In what ways are they similar and different?
  • Suppose that you are reforming the educational system in your community. Taking into account the ideas of functionalists and conflict theorists, what sorts of changes would you make?
Role of Religion (Durkheim): Daniel Supports School Vouchers

Broadband (10846.0K)

Dial-up (1967.0K)

  • Do some research on one or more of the other areas of research for Durkheim and Weber. Explain how the research on religion by these two thinkers relates to work they did in other substantive areas.
  • Research some basic information about the historical context in which Durkheim and Weber produced their work. In what ways did this historical context influence their work?
Functionalist Perspective on Education: Daniel Tutors Lydia

Broadband (8767.0K)

Dial-up (1626.0K)

  • Write an essay in which you explain whether or not you believe Daniel took appropriate action with Lydia by choosing to work with her on her English. Would you have tried to help Lydia in a different way?
  • Do some research on how communities with large immigrant populations typically deal with non-native English speakers in schools. Are these tactics consistent with the functionalist view of education?
Interactionist Perspective on Education: Daniel Tutors Lydia

Broadband (8236.0K)

Dial-up (1529.0K)

  • Consider your own socioeconomic background and academic attainment. Are they consistent with what an interactionist would expect, given the teacher-expectancy effect? Why or why not?
  • Suppose you are an educational reformer trained in the interactionist tradition. How would you change the educational system so that the teacher-expectancy effect can be eliminated? Is such a thing possible?

Sociology: A Brief IntroductioOnline Learning Center

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