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Monarchy is a form of government that has changed a great deal in the past few centuries. By visiting the official Website of the British Monarchy (, you can get a close-up look at how one famous monarchy has changed over time.

Click on "The Queen and the UK" link on the homepage, and then "The Role of the Monarchy" and its five sub-sections. Begin by reading the "History and background" and answer the questions below.

  1. How much official power does the Queen of England have today?
  2. What does it mean that the Queen acts as Head of Nation? Do you see this as an important role, and is it a role that gives the Queen power? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think the President of the United States and the first family serves any of the same functions as described on this page?

Return to the homepage, click on "History of the Monarchy" and then "English Monarchs 400AD-1603". Click on any of the monarch subcategories and read through the biographies.

  1. From what you read in these biographies, what are some of the key differences in the role of English monarchs today and in the past? How would you characterize the power differences between monarchs today and in the past?
  2. Based on what you've read, was it a struggle for monarchs of the past to hold on to their power? How is this aspect of a monarch's life different today, if at all?
  3. What can you glean about the social and financial lives of these historical monarchs? Is it similar to what you know of the social lives and financial profiles of contemporary monarchs?

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