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Getting Involved
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ACT UP (Aids Coalition to unleash power). If you want to get involved politically in the issue of AIDS funding, ACT UP, an AIDS activist organization, includes a form letter on its Web site that you can send to both President Bush and the Senators of your home state.
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PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has taken a very strong stance against using animals for AIDS research. If you want to learn more about this organization, visit their site which offers several “Get Involved” links.
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Save Our Environment is a collaborative effort of the nation's most influential environmental advocacy organizations, harnessing the power of the Internet to increase public awareness and activism on today's most important environmental issues. Visit their "Take Action” link to see how you can become involved.
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Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. Check out their "Things You Can Do Now” link.
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