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Social Policy
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How Americans Feel About the Environment and Environmental Issues

You have learned in this chapter that the contemporary environmental movement has evolved in several directions. At the local level, the number of grassroots organizations that deal with perceived environmental hazards has increased markedly. At the same time, the largest and most powerful environmental organizations have become increasingly bureaucratic.

To find out how Americans feel about issues surrounding the environment in the United States, go to the Public Agenda Online web site ( Select Issue Guides, and click on the Environment, and then People's Chief Concerns under The Public View. Click on the arrow and scroll down to "Majorities say the environmental movement has done more good than harm, but ……… Answer the following questions:

What percent on those polled said they believed the environmental movement has probably done more harm than good?
Why do think people would say the environmental movement has caused harm?

Now click on Red Flags. Click the arrow and scroll to "Public support for stricter environmental laws and identification …… Answer the following questions:

What percent of Americans polled considered themselves to be environmentalists in 2000?
Do you consider yourself to be an environmentalist? Why?

Under Red Flags, click the arrow and scroll to "On environmental issues, Americans say they worry most about water pollution." Answer the following question:

Which of the environmental problems on the bar chart do you worry about, if any. Explain your response.

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