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Reel Society
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INSTRUCTIONS: The links below take you to video clips from Reel Society, a unique movie that brings sociology to life through the use of actors and scenarios involving life on campus, in the community, and within the family. These clips allow you to explore a wide variety of topics and issues, including culture, socialization, marriage and family, inequality, race and ethnicity, deviance, the media, social change, and more.

View the videos, answer the following questions below and discuss your answers with your classmates and instructor.

Social Change: Daniel Chooses Not to Oppose the Family Act

Broadband (9065.0K)

Dial-up (1653.0K)

  • Think about the possible role of subcultures in social change. How did Daniel's background influence his decision not to oppose the Family Act?
  • Which view of social change is Daniel demonstrating by not opposing the Family Act? Support your answer with specific evidence.
Social Change: Molly Supports the Family Act

Broadband (3831.0K)

Dial-up (709.0K)

  • Consider the functionalist, conflict, and evolutionary views of social change, and then describe how a sociologist or policy maker might use theories of social change for practical applications.
  • Describe the different paths our society might take in the next fifty years, depending on whether the functionalist, conflict, or evolutionary view of social change is most valid.
Relative Deprivation: Proposal of the Family Act

Broadband (3284.0K)

Dial-up (609.0K)

  • Imagine that you are a resident of Pineville, reacting to the University's expansion. Under the same circumstances, would you have had a sense of relative deprivation as well?
  • Is it always good to act on a sense of relative deprivation, as the community of Pineville has done? Can you think of any circumstances under which it would be best not to react? Describe your responses in an essay.

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