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Social Policy
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How Americans Feel About Illegal Immigrants

The Social Policy section of this chapter discusses the issue of transnationals. Transnationals are immigrants who sustain multiple social relationships that link their societies of origin with their societies of settlement. A recent survey conducted by Public Agenda Online asked Americans how they felt about allowing illegal immigrants to live and work legally in the United States. To see how Americans felt about this issue go to the Public Agenda Online web site at, and under the Issue Guides, click on Immigration and then on Bills and Proposals. Scroll down to "Majorities of Americans support a guest worker program for illegal immigrants but vary based on question wording." Answer the following questions:

What percent of those polled favor allowing immigrants already working in the U.S. to register as guest workers for a fixed period of time, so the government can keep track of them?
How would you have answered this question if you have been polled? Why?
Would you be strongly opposed to programs that allowed any illegal immigrants to live and work legally in the U.S.? Explain your answer.

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