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Reel Society
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INSTRUCTIONS: The links below take you to video clips from Reel Society, a unique movie that brings sociology to life through the use of actors and scenarios involving life on campus, in the community, and within the family. These clips allow you to explore a wide variety of topics and issues, including culture, socialization, marriage and family, inequality, race and ethnicity, deviance, the media, social change, and more.

View the videos, answer the following questions below and discuss your answers with your classmates and instructor.

Poverty: Daniel Discusses His Mother

Broadband (4159.0K)

Dial-up (769.0K)

  • The way we measure poverty is controversial. Imagine a debate between two people who disagree about how poverty should be measured. Describe the arguments that each puts forth, in an effort to sway the view of the other.
  • Imagine that you are a policy maker, whose job it is to implement a plan for eliminating absolute poverty. Describe your plan in an essay.
Social Mobility: Rani Admires Daniel's Website

Broadband (3908.0K)

Dial-up (728.0K)

  • To what extent have you witnessed downward mobility in the United States? Describe in detail a specific example of someone you know who has experienced downward mobility.
  • Do some research on patterns of social mobility in another country. How do these patterns compare to those in the United States? How do the factors in social mobility differ?
Stratification: Gita & Sayeed Are Detained

Broadband (16892.0K)

Dial-up (3065.0K)

  • Think about the ways in which various forms of stratification in the U.S. (chiefly race, ethnicity, gender, age, and religion) may interact. Is it qualitatively different to be an African-American woman, than it is to be a white woman, for example? Is it qualitatively different to be an older Native American than it is to be a young one?
  • Are there any positive social benefits of having a stratification system? A functionalist would say that there are. Put yourself in the shoes of a functionalist. How would you describe the positive benefits of stratification?
Stratification: The Sanitation Strike

Broadband (11673.0K)

Dial-up (2142.0K)

  • As you can see from Reel Society, stratification permeates our society. Each of the main characters can be viewed as being a member of one or more groups that are subordinated in U.S. society. Think about the scenes from Reel Society that you have already viewed. What are some ways that being a member of a subordinate group influences the actions and values of each Reel Society character?
  • It may surprise you to learn that age groups can be part of a stratification system. Consider what you know about the perception of old age in the U.S. Is it generally positive or negative? Have you ever witnessed examples of age discrimination?

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