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afterbirth  Stage 3 of the birth process in which the placenta and other membranes are discharged.
analgesics  Mild medications used to alleviate pain; may be used before and during labor.
anesthetics  Stronger medications used during labor to control pain; can numb mother to pain in the various stages of labor.
anoxia  Insufficient oxygen supply during labor and delivery, which can cause fetal brain damage or death.
Apgar scale  A test to evaluate a newborn's basic life signs administered at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth.
apnea  Brief periods when breathing is suspended.
Babinski reflex  Automatic response in which an infant's toes spread out in response to stroking the sole of the foot from heel to toes.
bonding  The formation of a close connection between newborn and caregiver, typically parents.
Braxton-Hicks contractions  Relatively mild muscle contractions that occur before real contractions begin.
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale  Device to assess an infant's behavior; examines both neurological and psychological responses.
breech birth  Birth in which the baby is born feet first, buttocks first, or in a crosswise position (transverse presentation).
cerebral palsy  A condition resulting from an inability of the brain to control the body; result of brain damage before, during, or after delivery.
cesarean section  Surgery performed to deliver the baby through the abdomen if the baby cannot come through the birth canal.
dilation  The first stage of the birth process, during which the cervix dilates to about 4 inches in diameter.
doula  A woman trained as a caregiver to provide ongoing support to pregnant women before, during, and after delivery.
episiotomy  A surgical cut made to widen the vaginal opening.
expulsion  Stage 2 of the birth process; the baby passes through the birth canal.
fetal monitor  Electronic device used to monitor the baby's heartbeat throughout labor.
forceps  Metal clamps placed around the baby's head to pull the baby through the birth canal.
grasping reflex  Automatic response in which an infant's fingers curl toward palm of hand when object or finger is placed in palm.
induced labor  Labor initiated by doctors through use of medication and by breaking the amniotic sac.
isolette  Specially designed bed for premature infants that is temperature-controlled and enclosed in clear plastic; often referred to as an incubator.
kangaroo care  Practice of skin-to-skin contact, positioning baby against caregiver's bare chest.
Lamaze method  Natural childbirth method that stresses breathing and relaxation with the support of a partner.
midwife  A woman trained in delivering babies; typically a nurse.
Moro reflex  Infant's automatic response to sudden change in position or unexpected movement; arms and legs flail out in back in toward chest and back arches.
natural childbirth (or prepared childbirth)  Term to describe techniques women use prior to and during the birth process to create the most natural experience possible during delivery.
neonate  An infant in the first days and weeks after birth.
oxytocin  Hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates uterine contractions; has been linked to bonding between caregivers and infants.
plantar reflex  Automatic response in which an infant's toes curl inward when pressure is placed on balls of feet.
postpartum depression  Feelings of sadness and emotional withdrawal that continue for many weeks or months after delivery.
postpartum period  Period lasting approximately 6 weeks after birth as mother adjusts physically and psychologically.
premature birth  Early birth; occurs at or before 37 weeks after conception and is defined by low birth weight and immaturity.
reflex  An inborn, automatic response to certain stimuli.
Rh factor  Involves possible incompatibility between the blood types of mother and child. If the mother is Rh-negative and the child Rh-positive, miscarriage or even infant death can result.
rooting reflex  Automatic response in which an infant turns toward a finger or nipple placed gently on her cheek, attempting to get it into her mouth.
small for date  Term used for babies born or assessed as underweight for the length of the pregnancy.
stepping reflex  Automatic response in which the neonate, held under the arms with feet touching a flat surface, makes stepping movements similar to actual walking.
tonic-neck reflex  Automatic response in which an infant extends arm and leg on same side as the direction in which she is looking, while flexing other arm and leg.
vacuum extractor  Plastic cup attached to a suction device that pulls the baby through the birth canal.

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