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Key Terms
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animism  Children's preoperational activity in which they consider inanimate objects to possess human thought, feelings, and actions.
authoritarian parenting  Baumrind's term for parents who are demanding and want immediate obedience as the most desirable trait in a child.
authoritative parenting  Baumrind's term for parents who respond to their child's needs and wishes; they believe in parental control and attempt to explain the reasons for it to their child.
centration  Feature of preoperational thought; the centering of attention on one aspect of an object and the neglecting of any other features.
classification  Ability to group objects with some similarities within a larger category.
conservation  The understanding that an object retains certain properties even though surface features change.
constructivism  The belief that children create, organize, and transform knowledge through active engagement in their environment.
constructivist approach  Learning approach in which children are encouraged to be active participants in constructing knowledge and learn by interacting with their environment.
day care  Services and care for children provided outside the children's home.
deferred imitation  Children's preoperational behavior that continues after they witnessed the original action or event.
egocentrism  Piaget's term for the child's focus on self in early phases of cognitive development.
expressive language  The language children use to express their ideas and needs.
fine motor skills  Small muscle skills involving hands and fingers that result from physical development.
gender  Social/psychological aspects of being male or female.
gender identity  The conviction that one is either male or female.
gender role  Culturally defined expectations about how females and males should act.
gender stereotypes  Rigid beliefs about characteristics of males and females.
gross motor skills  Large muscle skills resulting from physical development enabling children to perform smooth and coordinated physical acts.
Head Start  Government-supported early childhood program that provides education, health, and parenting education services to low-income families.
myelination  Process by which speed of information traveling through nervous system increases, due to a fatty layer of cells on nerve cells in the brain.
organization  Memory strategy that entails discovering and imposing an easy-to-remember structure on items to be memorized.
overextensions  A language irregularity in which children apply a word in a broad manner to objects that do not fit.
overregularization  Children's strict application of language rules they have learned.
permissive parenting  Baumrind's term for parents who take a tolerant, accepting view of their child's behavior and rarely make demands or use punishment.
play  Activity people engage in because they enjoy it for its own sake.
preoperational period  Piaget's second stage of cognitive development, extending from about 2 to 7 years.
receptive language  The ability of the child to understand written and spoken language.
rehearsal  Mnemonic strategy that describes a person repeating target information.
representation  A child's application of abstract thinking during the preoperational period.
retrieval  Memory strategy that enables obtaining information from memory; includes recognition and recall.
reversibility  A cognitive act in which a child recognizes that she can use stages of reasoning to solve a problem and then trace the steps back to the original question or premise.
scaffolding  The systematic use of support to assist a child in his or her performance on a given task.
sensitive periods  Montessori's term for periods of children's development marked by sensitivity/readiness to learn.
sex  Biological maleness or femaleness.
sex cleavage  Youngsters of the same sex tend to play and do things together.
sibling underworld  Familial subsystem, or coalition, of brothers and/or sisters.
social constructivism  The belief that children construct knowledge through social interactions.
symbolic play  Children's mental representation of an object or event and reenactment of it in their play; one object may represent a different object in the play scenario.
theory of mind  Children's understanding of their own thoughts and mental processes.
uninvolved/neglectful parenting  Term for parents who are undemanding and emotionally unsupportive of their child.
zone of proximal development (ZPD)  The range of ability a child possesses on a given task, from working independently to working with assistance from adults or older children.

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