1. To identify the kinds of losses experienced in adulthood.
2. To identify factors associated with death and the college student.
3. To identify the factors influencing grief in response to the death of a friend.
4. To describe the factors influencing the response to the death of a parent.
5. To distinguish the characteristics of parental bereavement and to identify the types of support available.
6. To compare and contrast the emotional responses to childbearing loss; miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, neonatal death, sudden infant death syndrome, and the loss of the "perfect" child.
7. To identify the factors influencing grief in response to the death of an older or adult child.
8. To describe the factors influencing spousal bereavement and to summarize the types of social support available.
9. To summarize the physiological and psychological changes that typically occur with aging.
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