1. To explain how the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and justice apply to medical ethics.
2. To assess the challenges of informed consent and self-determination.
3. To evaluate the ethical issues involved in physician-assisted death and euthanasia.
4. To define the Rule of Double Effect.
5. To explain how issues regarding competency affect ethics decisions in cases involving infants or comatose patients.
6. To appraise one’s own death in terms of advance directives.
7. To understand the various designations (DNR, CPR, CMO) to inform medical staff of one’s desires.
8. To identify the types, content, and purposes of wills.
9. To explain the processes of inheritance and probate and to evaluate the consequences of dying intestate.
10. To assess the value to survivors of a comprehensive estate plan.
11. To be aware of end-of-life issues and decisions.
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