Match each name with the concept of adolescent development with which the person is associated. |
Answer choices for questions
8 | A) | uses the "Baby Think It Over" simulated doll to educate adolescents about the reality of having a baby
| B) | recognized in the 1970s that being attracted to someone of the same sex is not a disorder
| C) | offered four recommendations for reducing the high rate of adolescent pregnancy
| D) | studied the brains of gay men for clues to causes of homosexuality
| E) | found that a double standard still exists regarding sexuality for males and females
| F) | reported that only slightly more sexual-minority than heterosexual adolescents commit suicide
| G) | asserts that sexuality is a normal aspect of adolescent development
| H) | director of Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
 Match each STI with its symptoms or associated information. |
Answer choices for questions
14 | A) | caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, a member of the spirochete family; in its late stages can cause serious physical and mental problems, and may result in death
| B) | colloquially called "the drip" or "clap"; caused by a bacterium
| C) | caused by a large family of viruses with many different strains; related to cold sores, chicken pox, and mononucleosis
| D) | most common of all sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. in the 15- to 24-year-old age group
| E) | virus that destroys the body’s immune system
| F) | common, highly infectious bacterial disease that can cause pelvic inflammatory disease in women, which can result in infertility or ectopic pregnancies