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Learning Goals
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Family Processes

Learning Goal 1 Discuss the nature of family processes in adolescence.
Reciprocal Socialization and the Family as a System

Adolescents' and Emerging Adults' Relationships with Their Parents

Learning Goal 2 Describe adolescents' and emerging adults' relationships with their parents.
Parents as Managers
Parenting Styles
Parent-Adolescent Conflict
Autonomy and Attachment
Emerging Adults' Relationships with Their Parents
Intergenerational Relationships

Sibling Relationships

Learning Goal 3 Characterize sibling relationships in adolescence.
Sibling Roles
Birth Order

The Changing Family in a Changing Society

Learning Goal 4 Describe the changing family in a changing society.
Divorced Families
Working Parents
Gay and Lesbian Parents
Culture and Ethnicity

Social Policy, Adolescents, and Families

Learning Goal 5 Explain what is needed for improved social policy involving adolescents and their families.

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