TEACHING AND LEARNING SUPPLEMENTS Detailed instructor’s materials are available at the Instructor Center website that accompanies the book (www.mhhe.com/keyton4). The password protected instructor’s center includes an Instructor’s Manual with sample syllabi, teaching tips, chapter and course assignments, exercises, and worksheets for each chapter. Typically one or two pages in length, worksheets can be used as a homework or in-class assignment for students to review their knowledge and understand about the material presented. Also included on the website are PowerPoint outlines for each chapter and a test bank. Question types include objective (for example, fill in the blank), comprehension (for example, explain how academic research differs from proprietary research), and behavioral (for example, given a set of variables the student is asked to write research questions and hypotheses). For those chapters that cover statistics or the analysis and interpretation of qualitative data, additional worksheets are available, which provide students with the opportunity to work several examples from raw data through to interpretation. The Student Center can also be found at the same website (www.mhhe.com/keyton4). This site is not password-protected and includes PowerPoint outlines for each chapter, as well as online, self-grading chapter quizzes, outlines, checklists, and summaries. |